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Neuromarketing in attraction, retail & war

In his lecture at the University of Bremen, Jonathan Mall explains the basic principles of neuromarketing. He draws parallels between interpersonal attraction, consumer goods marketing, and techniques that politicians use to appeal to people.
He introduces how the primal and recency effects affect memory consolidation and our everyday life. Basically, the same principle can be applied to asking for someone’s phone number, understanding news, or making smarter business decisions. Additionally, he elaborates on how marketing stimuli can affect consumers’ decision-making process.
By introducing the synapse maps, it becomes clear how we can use this as a powerful method for branding and marketing. Moreover, we can define synapse mapping as a method of visually presenting the data of people’s most common associations for certain products. This enables us to focus on them more and use them in our strategy.
Furthermore, Jonathan explains how this method extends even to the promotional activities and not only the visual part of the branding strategy. For example, people generally perceive the color red as more appealing, interesting, and over-all more attractive. Also, he has illustrated the parallel between these associations in marketing and the phenomenon of the US presidential elections in 2016.
Jonathan analyzes popular consumer brands, giving examples of general associations and how the media successfully use them. Additionally, he addresses the importance of repetitive exposure to certain products and how it shortens the memory recall time. This could be interpreted as the way to get people to passively prefer things that they are more exposed to. Another example would be applying these methods in political campaigns and media coverage.
Finally, he takes a look back on how big data puts everything into context and give more sense to the similar psychology principle that can be used in dating, politics, and marketing. You can watch the full footage of the lecture via this link.
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